Committee structure


The Council is composed of 51 Councillors.  They all meet together as the Council to decide the Council’s overall policies and to set the budget and Council Tax each year.  The Council appoints the Leader and members of the Cabinet and also the membership of the various Scrutiny Panels and Committees.

Cabinet Meetings

The Cabinet is composed of the Leader and seven Councillors appointed by the Council.  The Cabinet has overall responsibility for the services which the Council provides and operates within the overall policies and budget agreed by the Council.  Recommendations on major items of policy and on the annual budget and capital programme are passed to the Council for consideration and approval.


Cabinet Members


CouncillorScullion - Leader of the Council

Councillor T Swift MBE  - Deputy Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member, Public Health

Councillor Courtney - Cabinet Member, Towns, Tourism and Voluntary Sector

Councillor Dacre - Cabinet Member, Resources

Councillor Fenton-Glynn - Cabinet Member, Adult Services and Wellbeing

Councillor Lynn - Cabinet Member, Public Services and Communities

Councillor Patient - Cabinet Member, Climate Action, Active Travel and Housing

Councillor Wilkinson - Cabinet Member, Children and Young People's Services

Scrutiny and Overview Boards

The Council has four Scrutiny Boards, Place Scrutiny Board, Strategy and Performance Scrutiny Board, Adults Health and Social Care Scrutiny Board and Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Board.  Each is Scrutiny Bard is composed of nine Councillors and where applicable may include a number of co-opted members (non-Councillors) representing the churches, parent governors and the education community.  Each Scrutiny Boards support the work of the Cabinet and Council as a whole by looking into matters of local concern and making recommendations on policy, budget making and service delivery.  Scrutiny Boards also monitor the Cabinet’s decisions and can call-in a decision for consideration and further recommendation.


In addition to the four Scrutiny Boards, Elected Members of the Council sit on the following Overview and Scrutiny Boards: 


Health and Wellbeing Board, West Yorkshire Joint Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee and the Calderdale and Kirklees Joint Health Scrutiny Board.

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee is composed of seven Councillors and has responsibility for the consideration and determination of applications made to the Council for planning permission.  The Committee can also consider new and changes to existing development control policies, objectives and standards for recommendation to the Cabinet.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee

The Licensing and Regulatory Committee is made up of fifteen Councillors and is responsible for the consideration and determination of applications made to the Council for a variety of licences, permits, consents, certificates and registrations.

Standards Committee

The Standards Committee is made up of seven Councillors and also includes a number of co-opted members, one of whom is appointed as Chair of the Committee. The Committee is responsible for promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct by Councillors and co-opted members, monitoring the Members’ Code of Conduct and considering reports on breaches of the Code, and the services and training made available to Members including recommendations to the Council on the Members' Allowances Scheme.

Audit Committee

Governance and Business Committee

Employment Committee

Cabinet Working Parties

Cabinet Climate Change Partnership