Agenda item

Delivering our ambition to be a Real Living Wage and Ethical Care Commissioner in Calderdale


Councillor Fenton-Glynn, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Adult Services and Wellbeing presented a written report of the Director of Adult Services and Wellbeing. The report advised that Calderdale aspired to improve the wages and the terms and conditions of the local care workforce. The ambition to become a regional leader in terms of pay and support for care workers would help with the recruitment and retention of staff, ensure people received care and support in a timely way, bring greater stability to the local care market and improve the quality of care delivered in Calderdale.


The report set out the current issues facing social care including recruitment and retention which was closely linked to salaries and the funding of social care. The report outlined the principles of the real living wage and the financial envelope required to implement this in Calderdale to support Calderdale’s social care market.


The report outlined the ambition for Calderdale Council to work towards the further implementation of ethical care and outlined Calderdale’s approach to ensuring that the care which was commissioned was ethical.


The report set out the recommendations of Adult Services and Wellbeing to commit to the implementation of the Real Living Wage in Calderdale and increase the uplift identified in the Medium-Term Financial Strategy to facilitate this commitment.


The report outlined background information, options considered, financial, legal, environmental, health, economic, equality, and diversity implications.


Councillor Fenton-Glynn paid tribute to Iain Baines, Director of Adult Service and Wellbeing, who was retiring in August. He advised that his career in care was an inspiration, and that this report was his legacy. The Leader, Councillor T Swift MBE, added that Iain Baines had been an important server of the borough, and had made a big difference during a challenging period.


Councillor T Swift MBE, advised that a question had been received from Jenny Shepherd to be asked at Question Time, it was felt it was more appropriate to ask at the item itself and Councillor Fenton-Glynn confirmed that a written response would be provided.


During discussions, Members were supportive of the report, and noted that people wanted the carers of their loved ones to be paid a real living wage. Members commented on the wider economic benefit of an increase, as people who worked in the care sector lived, and would spend, locally, benefitting the local economy.




(a)          to commit to reaching a fee rate which allowed providers to pay the Real Living Wage in Calderdale, helping to address the recruitment and retention issues faced by the social care market;


(b)          that Calderdale Council work towards the continued implementation of the principles set out in the GMB and Unison Ethical Care Charters;


(c)           that authority be delegated to the Director and Portfolio Holder in consultation with the section 151 officer for the implementation of the increased payments to providers;


(d)          that the Medium-Term Financial Strategy be reviewed and additional funding to meet Calderdale’s ambition to be leading council in committing to the payment of the Real Living Wage for care workers be allocated; and


(e)          that Option C be approved: To take an incremental approach to the implementation of The Real Living Wage (based on a projection of £10.45 per hour from April to October and £11.00 per hour from November to March in2023/24) at an estimated cost of £1,505,538 over and above the existingpercentage uplift allocated in the Medium-Term Financial Strategy.



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